In Italian, 'battuto' (translates as 'beaten') is a combination of finely chopped aromatics, sometimes including a meat (pancetta, bacon, prosciutto) that have been sauteed briefly in olive oil. It's served alongside or over grilled, broiled or sauteed meat, poultry or fish or added to cooked vegetables or piled on bread! Battuto makes an ordinary dish EXTRAordinary!
In a pan, heat 4 Tblsp. olive oil until hot & add FINELY DICED vegetables - if you decide to use meat, add it first (1/2 cup) and cook for a while until cooked or heated through:
2 cups onions
1 cup celery
1 cup carrots
1 cup parsley
8 cloves garlic
Saute over medium heat until vegetables are soft & translucent but not mushy.
Season with salt & pepper.
I'm planning to grill (ordinary) seasoned sirloin steaks tonight that'll be topped with battuto for an added zing!
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